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Looking In,
Looking Out

These pictures were taken the years before I got in touch with sex worker rights' activists groups. These are basically shots from the red light district in Antwerp, where I worked often in a couple of peep-shows that were there at the time. Working in those peep-shows allowed me to photograph the red light district as an insider, as I was shooting from the windows where I was working.

These series are called Looking In, Looking Out and were part of my first solo exhibition where I shown pictures of a red light district. The exhibition was donw in collaboration with English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) and marks a new trajectory in my photographic journey, where I felt brave enough to show my work, in the context of activism and amplifying a bigger message, on sex workers' rights.


It was done during May 2012, the day ECP launched an 'A to Z on sex workers'rights'. You can watch a video here.

© 2021 By Vera Rodriguez.

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